Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 35

Day 35: Family bedtime. Every night before bed we try to read Lailah a bedtime story - if it's not too late. And now we also read to Noel. Sometimes I read and sometimes Justin reads. :) Tonight Justin read to them and it was the sweetest moment I could have captured. <3 I am so in love with this man.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 34

Day 34: Joy. Today I was talking to Noel and my heart was just filled with so much joy. I am so happy that he is here with us - making our family a little bit bigger and a whole lot better! He is a joy to have and to hold and to love. He's so sweet.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 33

Day 33: Baby steps! Today I was holding Noel as he used his adorably chunky baby legs to stand - obviously with my help. And he started taking steps!! It was too freaking cute lol. It's like he was saying, "I already know how to do this, lets go!" haha. No picture but I have better - a video!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 32

Day 32: Tummy time. Today we did some tummy time and Noel held his head up for a little bit and then relaxed and chewed away at his hand! He's such a cutie. How could watching him learn and grow not make each one of my days? Look at that face!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 31

Day 31: Swing. I love Noel's swing. Probably a bit more than he does. :) It allows me to have a little bit of time to myself - as much as I love him I also like a FEW moments to myself during the day. This magnificent piece of equipment has allowed that. He likes it! It calms him and he goes to sleep in it peacefully. :)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 30

Day 30: Boppy. I love my boppy ! Today I was using it. It really helps with nursing lying down. It can be used in so many ways and I'm thankful to have one! I can nurse sitting up using it or lying down using it. Loveeeee. <3

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 29

Day 29: Cooing! Today Noel was talking up a storm! He seemed to even respond to us! By talk I obviously mean little coos. It is so sweet ! No picture, but I do have a video. How could this not make someones day?! :)